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That's is why we absolutely adore you! Luckily nothing is off limits to these boys and they’ll do whatever it takes to prove it. #helix returns with an all new nut bustin' collection of super sexy threeways! Our fans are the best and the boys show their appreciation by giving all they can and more! Questions have been sent via twitter and let me tell you.y'all have got some dirty minds. As we see from this collection of early installments, Helix fans do not disappoint! Along with satisfying your inquiries into their innermost thoughts and desires, these young studs show off with naked pushups, twink twerking, nude squats, helix store sex toy testing and more all before getting down to some dirty fuck business on the luckiest little leather couch you'll ever find.

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Come to #helix, a recurring interactive cyber sexcapade where the precious porn puppies of Helix Studios take your requests and reveal the intimate answers to fan's most probing questions from the sticky pages of social media.

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