I want you to love me.” Dave turned red with embarrassment as he looked around to see if anyone else heard what she said. As they talked one day, Anne whispered, “I love you Dave. The more they talked Anne learned a lot about Dave. Both Dave and Ruth are in their sixties.Īnne spent time talking with Dave. She also said she takes care of their two story home. She took care of the horses, cows, chickens and pigs.
He told me he is a Highway Superintendent in his township.ĭave’s wife Ruth came everyday to be with him. Dave was very smart and was open minded to learn new things. We had great discussions about world events. He had knee surgery and was receiving physical therapy. It was a couple months being at the hospital that I met a patient named Dave. When emergencies occurred I knew when to leave the room and wait outside until I got the okay to go back in the room. Sometimes if a patient needed a nurse I would help them push the nurses button on the bed. I would talk with those patients who wanted talk to me. I volunteered to bring blankets, magazines or fill the patients water pitchers. You had to be at least 16 years of age with the plans of going to nursing school. The uniform I wore had pink stripes on white. My name is Anne and I was a candy striper at the hospital. I met Dave who was a patient at the hospital